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Dr Johannes REFISCH

GRASP Coordinator, UNEP

Johannes leads the secretariat for the Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP), a unique alliance of member nations, research institutions, conservation organizations, United Nations agencies that is based at UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) headquarters in Nairobi. Johannes has a Diploma degree in animal ecology and has held scientific positions in Germany, Switzerland and the United States. He was co-director of the Tai Monkey Project in Cote d’Ivoire. Johannes relocated to East Africa in 2005, and worked as a programme manager for the International Gorilla Conservation Programme (IGCP), then joined GRASP in 2006. He has a wideexperience in natural resource management and assisted  GIZ (German International Cooperation), IGCP, WWF and UNEP in designing, supervising and implementing NRMprojects. Johannes is  a Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions at the University of Queensland, Australia.

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

Presentando en:

Fecha Hora/Sala Título Características Tipo de sesión Temas
Sábado 04 Septiembre 16:20 - 17:10
H8 - 2 Forêt d'Orient
Playful, innovative and participative tools to raise awareness and educate people on biodiversity
Sesión de Campus
Conocimiento, innovación y tecnología
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Lunes 06 Septiembre 14:42 - 14:47
H8 - 4 Martinique
Naciones Unidas y la movilización del conocimiento indígena y local
Sesiones de corriente temática
Derechos y gobernanza
Conocimiento, innovación y tecnología
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